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De kunst van geboortesteensieraden: hoe design en vakmanschap een rol spelen
Geboortesteen sieraden vallen onder de noemer "zowel betekenisvol als prachtig". Vanwege de persoonlijke betekenis zijn dit sieraden die momenteel ontzettend populair zijn. Geboortesteen sieraden bevatten een edelsteen die verbonden is met de maand waarin iemand geboren is. Iedere maand heeft zijn unieke edelsteen met unieke eigenschappen. Terwijl er vaak wordt gekozen voor subtielere sieraden, zijn de mogelijkheden met geboortestenen eindeloos. We leggen u uit welke rol design en vakmanschap spelen bij het ontwikkelen van een geboortesteen sieraad. Kunstenaarschap in geboortesteensieraden Geboortesteensieraden kunnen worden gezien als kunstwerken op zich. Het ontwerpen van geboortesteen sieraden begint met het begrijpen van de betekenis achter de edelsteen. Voor iedere edelsteen is de betekenis anders, en dit kan een grote invloed hebben op het design van het sieraad. Andere ontwerpelementen van geboortesteen sieraden waar rekening mee gehouden moet worden, zijn de vorm van de steen of stenen, de zetting en de gewenste stijl. Vakmanschap in geboortesteensieraden Nadat de keuzes voor het ontwerp zijn gemaakt, kan het proces van het creëren van geboortesteen sieraden beginnen. In de slijperij worden de stenen naar de gewenste vorm geslepen. Dit is een intensief proces dat een hoog niveau van vakmanschap vereist. Vervolgens gaan de goudsmeden aan de slag met het zetten en verder vervaardigen van het sieraad. Nauwkeurigheid en precisie worden gecombineerd om een prachtig juweel te maken dat de natuurlijke schoonheid van de edelsteen naar voren brengt. Geboortesteen sieraden maken is niet eenvoudig, maar met de juiste kennis en ervaring kan er een prachtig tijdloos sieraad worden gemaakt. Bent u op zoek naar een specifiek soort geboortesteenjuweel, zoals een smaragdgroene armband of een saffierring? Neem dan contact op met een van onze diamantconsultants. Onze consultants kunnen u precies vertellen wat we op voorraad hebben.
Meet the Alexandrite, one of the world's rarest gemstones! 
What is alexandrite? Alexandrite, known to researchers as chrysoberyl, is a gemstone that changes color, depending on the light. Alexandrite is composed of two minerals: chromium and beryllium. Both minerals must be present to form chrysoberyl. The stone was discovered around 1830 in the Ural Mountains in Russia. This gemstone was different because of the unusual green color that changes in the light. The discoverers had never seen this spectacle and the first person to see it was Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld, a famous mineralogist from Finland. Alexandrite, photo by the Gemological Institute of America[/caption] Where does the name alexandrite come from? In 1834, the gemstone was named after the then future Czar (Emperor of Russia) Alexander II Romanov - Alexandrite. And it's the last part that we name the stone today. What are the characteristics of alexandrite? Alexandrite’s best-known property is the changing of color. The basic colors are green and red; the stone is green under day-, and sunlight and changes to a red color under an electric light bulb. When the stone is placed under other light sources it also reflects other colors. The table below shows what other colors alexandrite produces. Incredible, right? Changing color of alexandrite under different lights. Alexandrite is usually mined in small sizes. Most stones are relatively small and weigh less than 1 carat (0.2 grams). The largest alexandrite ever found is a 65.7-carat stone from Sri Lanka and the largest alexandrite from the Ural Mountains weighs about 30 carats. What determines the value of alexandrite? The intensity of the color As with diamonds, the value of alexandrite is determined by several criteria (4Cs for diamonds). The most important criterion to determine the value of alexandrite is the color and especially the intensity. The deeper and more intense the color, the higher the value. The percentage of color change However, the hue of the color does not always directly affect the value of the gemstone. The hue can show where the alexandrite was mined, we will cover this in a moment. The second criterion is the degree of color change. Not only must the colors red and green be vivid, but the change of colors must also. In fact, Alexandrite has a rich range of color changes, starting from 5% to 100%. It wouldn’t surprise you if we say that the higher the percentage of color change, the higher the value. The clarity The next criterion is the clarity of the stone. Like most gemstones, alexandrites aren’t always loupe-pure. It is noteworthy, however, that clarity isn’t a priority in determining the value of alexandrites. The factors that do have priority are color intensity and color change. This would mean that an alexandrite with intense colors and opaqueness would be worth more than a light-colored alexandrite that is loupe pure. However, this doesn't mean that clarity isn't important at all in determining value. An intensely colored alexandrite that is also flawless is obviously in the best class! Unfortunately, these varieties are even rarer than they already are. Carat The final criterion is carat, which strongly influences the value of the stone. Although most mined alexandrites weigh less than 1 carat, these stones can have a value of €15,000 per carat. Alexandrites weighing more than 1 carat can even be worth €50,000 to €70,000 per carat. The Ural Mountains is where alexandrite was first mined. Where is alexandrite mined? The original source of alexandrite is the Tokowaya Valley (Ural) in Russia. Since 1987, alexandrite has also been found in other locations such as Sri Lanka, Brazil, Zimbabwe, and Myanmar. The stones from these mines may have different hues than stones from the Ural Mountains, but the basic colors are always green and red. These different shades don't directly affect the value of alexandrite, but stones from the Ural Mountains are considered the best in terms of color change. What is an alternative for alexandrite? Because alexandrite is difficult to obtain (and therefore expensive), the best alternative is to look for synthetic alexandrite. You read that correctly: synthetic alexandrite, called "lab-grown" in a nicer way. These gemstones, like natural alexandrite, are made with chromium and beryllium. Synthetic alexandrite is considered to be a real alexandrite because it is made up of the same minerals. Therefore, you don't have to worry about whether the synthetic variety will be viewed as fake. And there are also two advantages: Synthetic alexandrite is made ‘by hand’. Therefore, the price is lower than a 'natural'. Natural alexandrites are often not cut into shapes other than a cabochon. With synthetic alexandrite, the stone can be cut into the shape you want. So this means you can enjoy the beautiful properties and decide on the shape yourself. An imitation alexandrite stone[/caption] However, beware of imitation alexandrite. This isn’t the same as synthetic alexandrite, as synthetic alexandrite is made with the same minerals as the natural variety. Imitations are made with corundum, a crystal that also changes color. You can recognize a "faker" by the color; the imitation stone is mauve or purple. The second indicator is price. When alexandrite is offered at a low price it often means ''too good to be true.'' Not sure if you have a genuine alexandrite in your hands? A gem expert or a prominent institute will tell you if you are dealing with an original alexandrite. Today you have been introduced to alexandrite and its wonderful characteristics. Do you own an alexandrite? Congratulations! You are the proud owner of one of the rarest stones in the world! If you are looking for colored jewelry, take a look at our beautifull colored rainbow collection. Want to learn more about the wonderful world of diamonds and gemstones? Book a tour at Royal Coster Diamonds and be inspired by our experienced diamond consultants.
Birthstones According to the Zodiac Signs
Birthstones Aries Aries has two remarkable stones as his or her zodiac sign birthstone. These stones are the bloodstone and the diamond. Even though diamond is also April’s birthstone, Aries is the only astrological sign that has it as well. The other gemstone, the bloodstone is unique as well, since there is no other sign or even a month connected to it. The Crown of Light is a diamond ring with our patented Royal 201 cut. The diamond is the birthstone of Aries. Aries’ birthstone: the Diamond Obviously our favorite one birthstone. April’s birthstone is the diamond. But it is also the birthstone for Aries. Diamond is the hardest gemstone of all. When we think about a diamond, we generally think about a colorless gem. But diamonds can actually come in any color imaginable. Therefore, if you want to wear your birthstone in a specific color, the diamond may be perfect for you. The diamond represents: Beauty Power and strength Eternal love The bloodstone is Aries' alternative birthstone. It thanks its name to its green color with red specks. Aries’ alternative birthstone: the Bloodstone The bloodstone thanks its name to its appearance. The stone has a deep green to dark bluish-green color with red specks. With a bit of imagination, the red specks look like drops of blood. That’s probably where the bloodstone gets its name from. We attribute many positive characteristics to the bloodstone. The most famous ones of them are, that the stone: Grants protection Helps decision-making Balances the total body Birthstones Taurus The Taurus is the only zodiac sign that has two full precious gemstones: the gemstones of kings and queens. Of course, we’re talking about the emerald and the sapphire. The Emerald is Taurus' official birthstone. This emerald necklace is available at Royal Coster Diamonds. Taurus’ birthstone: the Emerald Emerald is not only Taurus’ birthstone, but also the one from May. The most remarkable thing about the emerald is its color. The emerald is the standard for green (gem)stones for centuries. Emeralds are bluish-green to pure green, with vivid color saturation and a tone that is not too dark. The most expensive emeralds are the ones that are highly transparent. If the stone is too yellowish or too blue, it is not an emerald. That’s when the price drops immensely. The emerald stands for: Eternal youth Life wisdom Peace and patience Read more about the emerald Sapphire ring that matches Taurus' alternative birthstone perfectly. Taurus’ alternative birthstone: the Sapphire Definitely one of the most famous – if not the most famous – gemstones in the world: the sapphire. The best and most well-known color for sapphire is a (deep) rich blue. But sapphires come in a wide variety of colors. There are also pink, orange, yellow, purple, green and even colorless sapphires. The rarest color is a mix of orange and pink. Red sapphires do not exist: we call them rubies. The sapphire stands for: Wisdom Strength Loyal love and friendship Birthstones Gemini The birthstones for Gemini are the mysterious pearl and the agate. Pearls are one of the most mystical gemstones because of their unique characteristics. Gemini’s birthstone: the Pearl One of the best-loved gems of all time is the pearl. Both natural and modern cultured pearls come in a wide variety of colors. However, most of them have a white, off-white, and cream – sometimes even yellowish-brown – color. There are also black, grey and silver pearls. In general, you could say pearls come in virtually any color. Pink pearls are the rarest ones. Pearls stand for: Elegance Love and friendship Sincerely and loyalty Read more about the pearl The unique play of lines is what makes the agate such a beloved gem. Gemini’s alternative birthstone: the Agate Agate is a variety of chalcedony, formed from layers of quartz which usually show varicolored bands. These bands look like some kind of pattern, making every stone unique. That’s why the agate is also known as the ‘dreamy stone’. The agate comes in many different colors, such as brown, white, red, grey, pink, black and yellow. Fun fact: it is one of the earliest stones fashioned by people. The agate: Provides stability Rebalances and harmonizes body, mind and spirit Soothes and calmes Birthstones Cancer Cancer’s birthstones are the fierce Ruby and romantic Moonstone. These two gems are really two worlds apart. Perhaps that makes it a bit easier to choose the one you prefer for your Zodiac sign birthstone. The red ruby is one of the most beloved gemstones ever. This valuable necklace is available at Royal Coster Diamonds. Cancer’s birthstone: the Ruby The ruby is the symbol of passion, prosperity, protection, and safety. It is the king among the gems. Traditionally, this stone is especially popular in Asian countries. Like sapphire, ruby is a variant of corundum. In the stone, there is a certain amount of chrome that makes it red. Ruby is one of the most beloved gemstones in the world. It stands for: Passionate love Protection against evil Warmth and heat Read more about the ruby The moonstone reminds us of clouds passing along the moon. That's why it is the perfect gemstone for mysterious Cancers. Cancer’s alternative birthstone: the Moonstone The moonstone thanks its name to its appearance. The spectacle of lights looks like clouds passing before the moon. For millions of years, people associate this gemstone with the moon. They thought it would give them certain energy that would protect them. Moonstone comes in various colors, including colorless, peach, pink, green, grey, yellow, brown and blue. But it is always opalescent. The moonstone helps to: Channel your feminine side Get rid of negative energy Heal yourself Birthstones Leo The birthstones for Leo are the peridot and alternatively the onyx. These two gemstones couldn't be more different. One refers to the sun while the other means claw and is often associated with dark colors. Nevertheless, both the peridot and the onyx are the zodiac birthstones for Leo. This peridot ring looks almost too delicious to wear. You can find it at Royal Coster Diamonds. Leo’s birthstone: the Peridot The Old Egyptians called it the "stone of the sun": the peridot. This was because the yellow-green to dark green reflects light reflect beautifully within this stone. The color of the peridot can vary from pure green to yellowish green to greenish yellow. The finest hue is green without any yellow or brown tint. Apparently, it was Cleopatra’s favorite gemstone. The peridot stands for: Protection against negative influences Self-reflection Love attraction Read more about the peridot The onyx is almost always black but can also come in other colors. Leo’s alternative birthstone: the Onyx There is almost no bigger contrast between the “stone of the sun” and Leo’s alternative birthstone: the Onyx. Just like the agate, onyx is a variety of layered chalcedony. They also both have some kind of bands on it. The word onyx comes from Latin or Greek and means “claw” or “fingernail”. Most onyxes are black and/or white, but it can come in any type of color. Onyx: Absorbs and transforms negative energy Prevents the drain of personal energy Helps to develop emotional and physical strength Birthstones Virgo The birthstones for Virgo are the blue sapphire and the brownish-red carnelian. Both gems perfectly fit the fall and upcoming winter season. The Sapphire is Virgo's official birthstone, but it is also the birthstone of September. Virgo's birthstone: the Sapphire Definitely one of the most famous – if not the most famous – gemstones in the world: the sapphire. Sapphires come in a wide variety of colors. There are pink, orange, yellow, purple, green and even colorless sapphires. The rarest color is a mix of orange and pink. Red sapphires do not exist: we call them rubies. But the best and most well-known color for sapphire is a (deep) rich blue. The blue sapphire is Virgo's official birthstone. This gem stands for: Wisdom Strength Loyal love and friendship Read more about the sapphire Woman wearing orange carnelian ring. Virgo's alternative birthstone: the Carnelian The carnelian (or cornelian) is a mineral and semi-precious gemstone. The color can vary from yellow-orange to reddish-orange and brownish-orange. Carnelian comes from two Latin words: carnel meaning “flesh” and cornel meaning “berry.” The carnelian is a quite spiritual stone and people believe it can help the body and soul. It is associated with: Vitality Warmth Vertility Birthstones Libra Libra has two beautiful semi-precious gemstones as its birthstone. The original one is the mystical opal. The alternative birthstone is the green peridot. Both are as beautiful as they are cheerful. Opals often have remarkable colors. Libra’s birthstone: the Opal Opals are ancient and were already used by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans. The name stems from the old Indian word Úpala. This means gemstone. The opal is secretive and mysterious. Its colors keep on intriguing. The stone captures all colors of the rainbow. That’s why the Romans called it the King of the Gems. Opals stand for: Hope Love and loyalty Inspiration Read more about the opal Peridots are famous for their stunning light green color. Libra’s alternative birthstone: the Peridot The Old Egyptians called it the "stone of the sun": the peridot. This was because the yellow-green to dark green reflects light reflect beautifully within this stone. The color of the peridot can vary from pure green to yellowish green to greenish yellow. The finest hue is green without any yellow or brown tint. Apparently, it was Cleopatra’s favorite gemstone. The peridot stands for: Protection against negative influences Self-reflection Love attraction Birthstones Scorpio The original birthstone for Scorpio is November’s birthstone: the Topaz. Scorpio’s alternative birthstone is the special gem Beryl. Both of these gemstones are special and beautiful in their own way. Topaz is often yellow, but blue ones are just as stunning. Find your topaz ring at Royal Coster Diamonds. Scorpio’s birthstone: the Topaz Topaz is one of the “Nine Gemstones” from the Thai Order of Gemstones. The name Topaz originates probably from the Ancient Greeks, who named the stone after its finding place. This was the island Topazius or Topazos, currently known as Zebirget, Egypt. Topaz is a mineral and comes in many colors. Usually, it’s yellow gold-colored, but it can also have a white, blue, green, orange or grey color. A pure Topaz is even entirely colorless. Topaz stands for: Happiness Love Prosperity Read more about the topaz Beryl is an umbrella term for several gemstones, including emerald. Scorpio’s alternative birthstone: the Beryl Pure beryl has no color but transparent crystals with inclusions and impurities are different colors and are known as gemstones with different names. That’s why beryl is actually not a specific kind of gemstone. It is an umbrella term for several gemstones, including emerald and aquamarine, depending on the color. Beryl is believed to: Keep demons away Promote happiness and marital love Increase sincerity Birthstones Sagittarius Sagitarrius has two remarkable semi-precious gemstones as its birthstone. The turquoise is the official birthstone and the topaz is Sagittarius’ alternative gem. Both are associated with blue colors. However, their appearances are very different. Real natural turquoise is quite rare which makes it all the more unique. Sagittarius’ birthstone: the Turquoise Turquoise is an opaque mineral. It comes in different shades of blue, bluish-green, green and even yellowish-green. Even though turquoise’s only purpose is jewelry, it is unbelievably popular. It is so popular that in the English language, we use the word turquoise as the name of a greenish-blue color. This makes the turquoise probably one of the few minerals with a well-known color. The gemstone stands for: Balance and inner peace Creativity Empathy Read more about the turquoise The blue topaz is also often associated with the Sagittairus zodiac sign. Sagittarius’ alternative birthstone: the Topaz Topaz is one of the “Nine Gemstones” from the Thai Order of Gemstones. The name Topaz originates probably from the Ancient Greeks, who named the stone after its finding place. This was the island Topazius or Topazos, currently known as Zebirget, Egypt. Topaz is a mineral and comes in many colors. Usually, it’s yellow gold-colored, but it can also have a white, blue, green, orange or grey color. A pure Topaz is even entirely colorless. The one that fits Sagittarius most is the blue topaz. Topaz stands for: Happiness Love Prosperity Birthstone’s Capricorn Red, red, red! That’s Capricorn’s birthstones. The official birthstone is the garnet. Sure, garnet comes in many varieties, but the most famous color is red. Capricorn’s alternative birthstone is the ruby. And as you may know, rubies are always red. Flower-shaped garnet ring. Capricorn’s birthstone: the Garnet The garnet, or also known as grenade, is a semi-precious gemstone. Garnets come in many different colors. The most common color is red. But we also find them in orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown black and even colorless. However, blue is seen very rarely. The garnet stands for: Friendship Purity Protection against the devil Read more about the garnet Diamond ring with an oval ruby inside. Capricorn’s alternative birthstone: the Ruby The ruby is the symbol of passion, prosperity, protection, and safety. It is the king among the gems. Traditionally, this stone is especially popular in Asian countries. Like sapphire, ruby is a variant of corundum. In the stone, there is a certain amount of chrome that makes it red. Ruby is one of the most beloved gemstones in the world. It stands for: Passionate love Protection against evil Warmth and heat Birthstones Aquarius The two birthstones that belong to the zodiac sign Aquarius are Garnet and Amethyst. This may come as no surprise. Garnet – or grenade – is January’s birthstone and Amethyst is February’s one. Amethyst is the only zodiac sign birthstone with a purple color. Aquarius’ birthstone: the Amethyst Amethyst is a variety of quartz. It is the most famous and most valuable variety of Quartz. Amethyst is practically always purple. Although the color intensity can vary. The amethyst thanks its color to iron impurities or natural radiation exposure. This gemstone stands for: Sincerity Spirituality Protection against drunkenness and addiction Read more about the amethyst Red garnets look stunning in every gold color. Whether you opt for white, yellow, or rose gold. Aquarius’ alternative birthstone: the Garnet The garnet is a semi-precious gemstone. Garnets come in many different colors. The most common color is red. But we also find them in orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown black and even colorless. However, blue is seen very rarely. The garnet stands for: Friendship Purity Protection against the devil Birthstones Pisces Pisces has a special combination of birthstones. The first one is the Aquamarine. The second one is the Amethyst, which we also know from Aquarius. Aquamarine ring with small diamonds. Pisces’ birthstone: the Aquamarine Literally translated, aquamarine means “water of the sea” or “sea stone”. It may come as no surprise that people thought the gemstone was connected to the sea somehow. Aquamarine comes in virtually all shades of blue, varying from sky blue to deep, ocean blue. Occasionally, this blue gemstone can sometimes appear to be a bit green. Aquamarine stands for: Providing clarity in times of uncertainty Improving intelligence Creativity Read more about the aquamarine Amethyst ring in rose gold. Pisces’ alternative birthstone: the Amethyst Amethyst is variety of quartz. It is the most famous and most valuable variety of Quartz. Amethyst is practically always purple. Although the color intensity can vary. The amethyst thanks its color to iron impurities or natural radiation exposure. This gemstone stands for: Sincerity Spirituality Protection against drunkenness and addiction Read more about the amethyst Blue Sky Happiness is a diamond ring with a 15.67-carat blue Topaz. How about that for your zodiac birthstone? A jewel with your zodiac birthstone Discover our Birthstone Collection. At Royal Coster Diamonds, we have most precious and semi-precious gemstones in stock. Are you looking for a unique jewel with gemstones? Discover our Rainbow Collection. If you already have an unset gem, our goldsmiths can put it in a setting for you. Are you curious how this works? Book a free guided tour to see our craftsmen at work. You can also see and order our jewelry online. Check out our website here!
Birthstone of February: the Amethyst
Why an amethyst? Many positive characteristics are attributed to the amethyst. A few of them are beauty, purity and respect. It protects you against the effects of drunkenness, against addiction and it ought to be good for your skin. Amethyst promotes positive thoughts and protects you from malicious interferences. Also, the stone is good against some physical symptoms. People believe it can help against abdominal pain, headache an, insomnia. The amethyst is in Western astrology associated with the Aquarius sign and in Chinese astrology, with the dragon. Amethyst is the symbolic gift for six-year marriage anniversary. The amethyst stands for Warding off drunkenness and addiction Protecting from poison Bringing pleasant dreams and help against insomnia Being sincere Spiritual wisdom Overcoming fears and cravings Curing abdominal pains and headaches Meaning of the name amethyst The name amethyst is a combination of some Greek words. 'A' translates as 'none' and 'methystos' translated as 'drunk'. For the Greeks, this was the literal translation. They drank expensive wine from jugs and goblets from amethyst which would ensure them that they would not become drunk. Later, they put an amethyst in a glass. If you were a frequent drinker, an amulet in a necklace was even easier to ward off drunkenness. The myth of the amethyst One of the most beautiful myths about the amethyst is the one of the Greek god of wine. Bacchus (or Dionysus) tried to seduce the beautiful girl Amethyste. But she would not give in to him, because she wanted to stay pure. Bacchus begged Diana, goddess of hunting and chastity, for help. Diana turned Amethyste in a beautiful white stone. Dionysus, stunned by this determination, threw red wine over the stone as a sacrifice, and by the color changed, which brought the first amethyst stone. Royal and spiritual stone The amethyst was for centuries the main stone for royals and senior clergy. The intense purple or violet color was scarce and therefore very popular and expensive, which suited the state of course. Especially in the British Crown Jewels, this purple stone is represented a lot. We know Catharina the Great loved special jewels and gems. The amethyst was one of her favorites. She even sent a large group of soldiers to Siberia on a difficult journey to find this special mineral. The Catholic Church used the stone often in ornaments and rings because of the symbolization of spiritual wisdom. Magical and therapeutic stone A common belief is that the amethyst enhances the flexibility of the skin. This is sometimes welcome in old age. The amethyst has a calming effect: it helps relieve anxiety, depression and stress. The birthstone of February also prevents memory loss, headaches, juvenile arthritis and even cures insomnia. Leonardo Da Vinci also emphasized the therapeutic effects of amethyst. He believed the gem blocked evil and negative thoughts and would fill the heart with goodness and love. This lines up again with this stone being the favorite one of St. Valentine as mentioned before. Finding places of the amethyst In the late Middle Ages, amethysts were found mainly in Brazil and Uruguay. Later also in North America, Europe, Africa and, Australia. Learn more about colored diamonds and stones Do you want to learn everything about colored gems and colored diamonds? Book a diamond tour at Royal Coster Diamonds in Amsterdam. You see some of the worlds greatest (colored) diamonds, historical artifacts and much more! Are you looking for a more sparkling (February) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of January: the Grenade
The garnet stands for: Friendship Purity Love (those for which you always go home again) Protection Bringing the traveler back home Medicinal, good for the heart and circulatory system and protects against poisoning The grenade is also part of a two-year wedding anniversary (sometimes even with a 6-year-anniversary), the constellation Capricorn and Aquarius and in the Chinese horoscope in the rat. Meaning of the name grenade The grenade or garnet was used in the Bronze Age as a gemstone. The name of the stone comes from the old English word "Gernet 'which means 'dark' or is a corruption of the Latin' granatus'. The stone is said to resemble the seeds of the pomegranate. The myth of the grenade The grenade plays a role in the Greek myth of Persephone, who is abducted by the dark god of the underworld, Hades. After a desperate search by her mother Demeter, Hades let Persephone go, but not just like that. She may be on earth for half a year, then they should stay again for half a year into the dark world of Hades. To be sure of that, Hades feeds poor Persephone some seeds of the pomegranate, because who ate something in the underworld, would always have the strong need to go back. That is why the pomegranate represents a strong desire in Greek mythology. Colorful world stone The red grenade is the most famous color, but the gemstone comes in many colors and types. The color range from red through pink / violet to green, blue and even almost colorless. Therapeutic stone In alternative medicine, the stone also plays a part. The stone can balance you and can bring balance into one's life, reduce stress and anxiety and help people in making decisions. In addition, the grenade reinforces positive emotions, the strongest, of course, being love! Do you want to learn everything about colored gems and colored diamonds? Book a diamond tour at Royal Coster Diamonds in Amsterdam. You'll see some of the worlds greatest (colored) diamonds, historical artifacts and much more! Are you looking for a more sparkling (January) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of March: the aquamarine
Why an aquamarine? Literally translated, aquamarine means “water of the sea” or “sea stone”. It may come as no surprise that people thought the gemstone was connected to the sea somehow. The stories from old times tell that aquamarines come from the treasure chests of mermaids. People thought they bring love and happiness and cure a sore throat, rhinitis and autoimmune diseases. Aquamarine stands for Comforting people who grief over the loss of their loved ones or objects. Creating clarity in times of uncertainty. Improving intelligence. Creativity Understanding of fears and phobias. Strengthening the senses. Healing of a sore throat, curing heart diseases, sleep- and thyroid problems. Origin of the aquamarine The name aquamarine comes from the Latin words “aqua” and “marina”. These two mean “water” and “sea”. According to the myth, seafarers wore the stones to protect them from the dangers of the seas. Because the color of aquamarine resembles the seas and oceans. As a gemstone from the treasury of the mermaids, people thought an aquamarine had a positive effect on their love life. It would bring happiness and harmony and should also do wonders for your marriage. But there is more. The gem has a positive effect on the heart, liver, and throat. It also has a positive effect on sleep because the stone has a soothing effect. Aquamarine is the birthstone of March. But is also the gemstone of Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces, and Libra. Moreover, it is also the stone that belongs to the 19th marriage anniversary. Aquamarine is mainly found in Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistani and Zimbabwe. Color of aquamarine The aquamarine color suits everyone, regardless of their hair, eye, or skin color. The stone is a variety of beryl, just like the emerald. The color of aquamarine varies from blue-green to bright light blue. Learn more about colored diamonds and stones Do you want to learn everything about colored gems and colored diamonds? Book one of our diamond tours and see some of the worlds greatest (colored) diamonds. Explore many historical artifacts and much more! Are you looking for a more sparkling (March) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life
Birthstone of April: the diamond
Diamond stands for Power and strength Magic Beauty Love: that's why it's the most popular stone for engagement rings Prosperity and happiness Protection from evil, poisoning, and diseases Symbol of eternity and eternal love Meaning and origin of the name diamond The Greek thought diamonds were the tears of the gods. Diamonds were so beautiful and so rare: they had to be godlike. The ancient Greeks were also responsible for the current name of the stone; they called the diamond Adamas. This means indestructible and hardened steel. The Romans were sure that diamonds were splinters of the stars. In India, they used diamonds as eyes in many statues of Indian gods. During the middle ages, a diamond was tied under the left arm of a knight to make him invincible. People believed diamonds were a strong aphrodisiac. But aren’t they still? After all: ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’. Finding places of the diamond Even though Amsterdam is the ‘City of Diamonds’, this is not the place diamonds are originally found. In earlier times, diamonds come from Brazil. But nowadays they are more often found in (South) Africa and Russia. Myths and sagas about diamonds Because of the above-mentioned characteristics, over the centuries diamonds gained a status that no other gemstone has. Because diamonds are composed of carbon that is crystallized under the pressure and excessive heat, they are the hardest natural material. This gave them the status of indestructibility, strength, and power. The coveted and magical Koh-I-Noor There are diamonds that have acquired a myth over the centuries; a good example is the Koh-I-Noor (Mountain of Light). This diamond is repolished by Royal Coster Diamonds in 1852 in its current form. The Koh-I-Noor has a history of about 5000 years and is considered by experts to be the most expensive diamond in the world. In these five centuries, the stone is followed by a path of struggle, death, war, robbery and wealth. To this day, the Koh-I-Noor is not uncontroversial. After he was given to the British Royal Family, there are still people who claim that the stone is theirs. Through various legal remedies, people try to recover the stone. Koh-I-Noor it its original setting - The Crystal Palace and its contents. An illustrated Cyclopaedia of the Great Exhibition 1851 According to the myth, the woman wearing the Koh-I-Noor, gains unimaginable wealth and will have a long and happy life. However, if the stone is worn by a man, the ending is much less rosy. His life will be short and he will reign filled with death and destruction for all the people. Within the British Royal Family, the Koh-I-Noor is therefore always worn by a woman. There are many more diamond myths and later on, I will devote a few articles to them. Zodiac signs and anniversaries The diamond is not just the birthstone of April but also part of the zodiac signs Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo. A diamond belongs to a 60 year marriage anniversary, but also a 10-year marriage is adorned with a diamond. The diamond in the present day Nowadays we know diamonds come from the depths of the earth's crust and consist entirely of carbon in the purest form. Cut, the glare is irresistible and that grants the diamond a special place among the gemstones. You can add this to the special characteristics that are attributed to the diamond. It is, therefore, no surprise diamonds are today still the ultimate gift of love and represents love and happiness. Want to know everything about diamonds? Royal Coster Diamonds is the oldest diamond polishing factory in the world. Since 1840 we cut and polish the most sparkling diamonds out of rough diamonds. Do you want to see how my colleagues and I do this? Book a tour through our diamond factory in Amsterdam. Here you can see how diamonds are cut and how a diamond’s value is determined by the 4 C’s. By the end, you’ll see some of the world’s greatest diamond artifacts. Are you looking for a more sparkling (April) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of May: the Emerald
The color of emerald Every emerald is green. But the intensity and hue of this green can differ a lot. We consider the deepest dark green the most luxurious and expensive emerald. Due to its green color and its colorful appearance, the gem is also associated with spring. Why an emerald? According to multiple beliefs, the emerald is a calming stone. It helps against restless disorders such as stress and insomnia. Emerald has healing powers for eye problems and activates the heart chakra which represents love. In Western astrology, this green gemstone belongs to the zodiac signs Aries, Gemini, and Cancer. The emerald stands for Eternal youth Spring Life wisdom: growth in spiritual sense and patience Love and loyalty to love Feeling peacefully Vision Positive effect on relationships in the broadest sense of the word The meaning and origin of the name emerald The name emerald goes way back: from the Latin and Greek language to an ancient Semitic language. The original name was Marakata. Literally translated, it means something like ‘green growing things’. During Ancient Greece, the word changed to Smaragdus. Much later, Smaragdus turned, due to French influences, into Esmaraldus. This is where the current word Emerald stems from. The meaning of emerald remained the same over the years though. It still means "luxurious green stone". The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was crazy about emeralds. Even centuries before she was born, Egyptians already looked for emeralds. But under her rule, the search strengthened and all mines were put in her name. In her almost obsessive search for emeralds, she sent the miners on life-threatening trips to discover the mines. But Cleopatra was not the only one who loved emeralds. The Incas and Aztecs already considered the stone as sacred. And the Native Americans attributed healing powers to this gemstone. If you were to put it under your tongue, you would be able to see the future. The properties of emerald The emerald is a type of beryl and one of the noblest of gems. The colorant substance in the beryl is usually chromium and sometimes also vanadium. Just like a diamond, an emerald also can have inclusions. For this stone, it also applies: the clearer the stone, the more valuable. In America, people consider green gemstones from vanadium also emeralds. In Europe and Asia, those are not official or "real" emeralds. They refer to the vanadium emeralds as “Colombian Emeralds”. The origin, history and finding locations of the emerald Emerald is created by the rising of magma from the earth’s crust. When the magma gets to the crust, it quickly cools down into rocks. These rocks are the only places that can hold emeralds. The main finding places of emeralds are currently Columbia, Brazil, the United States, and Russia. In ancient times, the stones were mainly found in Egypt where they were minded by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. After the demise of these great empires, the Egyptian mines fell into oblivion. It was not until the 19th century that these mines returned on the radar. Some of the world’s most famous diamonds and gemstones come from these mines. For example, the emeralds of the Turkish Sultans and the famous lenticular emerald that Emperor Nero used as glasses to look at the gladiator fights. Another historic finding place is the Habach Valley in Austria. This is also a place where people found emeralds during Roman times. The processing of emeralds Emeralds can be cut in all thinkable shapes. The ‘emerald cut’ is named after this gemstone, because this was the original grinding form for this green stone. The emerald cut is a staircase cut with a large table and high visibility into the stone. Therefore, only the finest emeralds with the highest quality, color and purity are cut in this shape today. High-quality emeralds are also often cut into a brilliant shape. Less beautiful emeralds are often carved in half a sphere or tumbled. Emeralds are fragile and sensitive to bumps, pressure, and heat. At temperatures over 700 °C they lose their color. Strangely enough, these fairly porous stones are not sensitive to acids. Emerald jewelry Emerald jewelry is beautiful and timeless. They work in solitaire settings, but also along (white) diamonds. The latter creates beautiful combinations. Emeralds work in all sorts of gold, but we prefer yellow gold settings because of the stunning contrast. Unlike in diamonds, impurities in emeralds are necessarily flaws. As long as there are not too many. Minor imperfections are actually proof of authenticity compared to forgeries. Fake emeralds There are two types of imitation emeralds. The first variant consists of imitation and fake stones. The second one consists of synthetic emeralds. Forgeries are artificially fabricated to look like emeralds. These are easily recognizable by a craftsman. The synthetic variant is a man-made stone. In terms of physical and chemical properties, it is almost impossible to distinguish a synthetic and a real natural emerald. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences, such as specific kinds of inclusions from the manufacturing process. Only a skilled craftsman can see the difference between a synthetic and a natural emerald. Would you like to see May's birthstone in jewelry? We have some amazing green emeralds in our jewelry collection. Learn more about diamonds and gemstones during one of our diamond tours. Are you looking for a more sparkling (May) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of July: the Ruby
The ruby stands for Protection against the "evil" of the world Help to make difficult decisions, especially in a material sense Eternal love Passion Warmth and heat through the internal fire Physical balance and harmony Worn on the left hand, the red gemstone brings luck to the wearer The history and myths The ruby found its way from Asia to Europe through the Silk Route, around 200 BC. Chinese nobles already carried these red stones in their armor. The rubies should provide protection. In addition, these stones were also buried under the foundations of buildings because they would bring happiness and prosperity to the residents. The Hindus believed that they would be reborn as rulers and kings when they offered rubies to the god Krishna. In the Hindu folklore, the gem would deliver so much fire and heat that could boil water. The ancient Greeks thought that rubies could become hot enough to melt wax. Myanmar, ancient Burma, is an important source of ruby from ancient times. Here, soldiers and warriors believed that the red stones made them invincible. Some even went so far as to implement them under their skin to protect themselves in battle. The functionality of the ruby The red fluorescent color of the ruby made the first laser work in 1960. Both real and synthetic rubies are still used in lasers today. But also in watches and medical instruments, rubies are used. This is mainly due to the hardness of the stone, which is only surpassed in hardness by diamond. Around 1990, the natural sources of ruby in Myanmar were empty. The Mong Hsu region started producing synthetic ruby. However, this ruby lacked the natural rich glow and warmth of traditional Burmese Robins. By heat treatment, the gloss and transparency were sought. Today, the heat treatment of rubies is more common than an exception. Other uses With the ruby, we celebrate the 15th anniversary of marriage, but it’s also the stone that belongs to the zodiac sign Capricorn. In addition, this red stone belongs to summer and is the symbol for Tuesday. Finding places of rubies The ruby is traditionally found in Asia. Later they were also discovered in Africa and Australia. Today, rubies are even found in North America. The beauty and mysticism of the Ruby The ruby is fire and passion. The reddish color symbolizes passionate love. A love that can be so fierce that it burns your fingers and leaves deep scars. But the red gemstone also represents the warmth and security of mutual and eternal love. The name ruby comes from the Latin word 'Ruber', which means red. In the past, people believed the ruby contained an eternal fire inside. Rubies in jewelry All these characteristics, myths and stories make the ruby one of the most beautiful gems in the wedding ring. The internal everlasting burning fire represents a lifelong love and passion. Carry the ring on your left finger hand though: being a little superstitious doesn’t hurt. Check out ruby jewelry and other colored gems and diamonds in our diamond jewelry collection. In order to see the real beauty of these stones, you can book a free tour through our factory. Are you looking for a more sparkling (July) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of June: the Pearl
The pearl stands for Innocence Elegance Positive feelings A calming effect to prevent bad tempers Creativity for artists Strong feelings of love and friendship The courage to resist all kinds of temptations Integrity, modest and wisdom Myths about the pearl Pearls grow into an oyster from a lost grain of sand into a beautiful shiny little ball. We now know how pearls are made, but in ancient times people had no idea. As a result, there were all kinds of myths and mysteries that evolved around the pearl. These myths are some pretty neat stories. According to the Greek, pearls were the tears of happiness from the god of love Aphrodite. According to the story, Aphrodite cried these tears when she finally rose from the water. The pearl would, therefore, bring happiness and strengthen relationships. Another ancient story is the one of Cleopatra who enchanted Marcus Antonius with a hand full of pearls. The Romans believed pearls provided wisdom and strength and were the bringers of luck and success. According to Muslim legends, pearls were the first creations of God and according to the Persians, they are the tears of the Gods. The Chinese myth tells that pearls are formed by the moon’s light. In Europe, people used pearls as a medicine until the 17th century to cure madness and weakness. In China, they used pearls as a medicine since 2000 BC. Today, they still use the cheapest and lowest quality pearls as a medicine. What else do we celebrate with the pearl? Besides the pearl being the birthstone of June, it is also the stone for the zodiac sign Gemini. In addition, it belongs to the one year and three year anniversary and is the gem connected to Mondays. Properties of the pearl Therapeutically, pearls help very well against heart, bowel and stomach problems. Pearls strengthen the love and friendship between people. This stone represents faithfulness, purity, and everything good of mankind. Perhaps this is due to the beautiful shimmering, the perfect round shape or the softness of the pearl. Pearls make you feel like everything is going to be all right. Taking care of your pearl jewelry Pearls are relatively soft. They will not break easily, but they can damage. Be therefore extra cautious with your pearls. Do not store them together with other gems or jewelry, but always apart. To clean them, it’s also best to use just a little neutral soap and water. Avoid chemicals and heavy cleaning products. Also, watch out for your pearls when you’re sweating heavily or use hair straightening and cosmetics. These can affect the shine and color of the beads. Finally, do not forget about the cord. Have your pearl necklace checked by a trusted jeweler every year. There’s nothing worse than a carpet filled with pearls and an empty cord in your hand. Origin and different kind of pearls Pearls are formed by small contaminants in the oyster. Therefore, they used to be pretty rare. People who were looking for oysters sometimes had to dive more than a thousand times to find a perfect pearl. This is definitely a disadvantage when you compare it to other gemstones that can “simply” find in the earth. Cultivated pearls Nowadays, it’s a bit easier to obtain pearls than it used to be. The pearl grower places a small pebble or grain of sand in the oyster. After inserting this as a core, he leaves the oyster be for about one year to nut on the implanted core. The oyster creates a thin layer of pearl from about 0.8 mm. This is the most common size of a cultivated pearl. Imitation pearls are made of fish scales and glue. Sometimes they even make pearls also entirely of plastic. Types of pearls There are two kinds of real pearls: freshwater pearls and saltwater ones. You can find freshwater pearls in rivers and lakes. Saltwater pearls are of course from the ocean. There are seven different types of pearls: South Sea Pearls. Pearls with a silver-blue to a golden color that can be up to 22 mm. Tahiti Pearls. Pearls with a black-green, deep black or silver-gray color. Akoya Pearls. These are the “standard” pearls with a cream-white, soft yellow, pink, silver or gray color. Kasumiga Pearls. Commonly cream-white (salmon) pink, golden or silver colored pearls. Chinese Freshwater Pearls. Cultivated pearls are available in practically every color imaginable. Pearls and diamonds in jewelry The combination of diamonds and pearls is a classic and very popular one. This is not surprising as they are a beautiful duo. Although we specialize in diamonds, here at Royal Coster Diamonds we do have our share of pearl jewelry. For more information and pictures of our combined diamond-pearl jewelry, please contact a diamond consultant. A part of our (only) diamond jewelry you can see on our website. Are you looking for a more sparkling (June) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of August: the Peridot
The peridot stands for Protection against negative influences Self-reflection Letting go of negative feelings Love attraction A positive effect on metabolism Relaxing and healing effect The peridot protects and removes negative influences from the people around you. It makes the wearer independent, assertive and helps him or her to find their way. The peridot provides self-awareness and lets you take a critical look at yourself about how to change for the better. This also affects how you perceive yourself and your feelings of guilt, remorse and obsessive behavior. It also makes it easier to let go of bottled up feelings such as anger and jealousy. The peridot stimulates the metabolism. It activates the operation of the liver, has a healing effect on the heart, the respiratory system and the eyes. The origin The name peridot probably originates from the old Greek word peridona. This means ‘give enough’. This is most likely because the peridot always has been associated with welfare and happiness. The peridot is a rare transparent variety of the common mineral olivine. Finding places Peridot forms deep inside the crust of the earth and surfaces when a volcano erupts. However, the gem is also found in meteorites and it’s even spotted on Mars. On earth, you can find peridots in North America (including Hawaii), Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Kenia, Mexico, Burma, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Myths and stories about the peridot It's easy to mistake peridotes for emeralds and other green gemstones like tourmaline. Many old treasures have green gemstones in them. Though people often assumed these were emeralds, they are actually peridots. An example is the jewelry collection of Cleopatra. For a long time, people thought these were emeralds. But in fact, they were peridots. Another great example is the relics of the three kings in the Cologne cathedral. According to various gemologists, the green decorative stones are not emeralds but peridots instead. Other uses Besides the birthstone of August, the peridot is also the stone for the sign Libra. It is also the appropriate gemstone to give for a 16-year marriage anniversary. As a talisman Many healing powers are attributed to the peridot. In alternative medicine, people who can't come out of a negative spiral are sometimes advised to wear peridot. When set in gold, a peridot can serve as a talisman to ward off nightmares and other night terrors. In jewelry Nowadays, peridots are still often used in gold jewelry. This is not because of the healing powers of the gem, but simply because it is a beautiful stone. The green color goes very well with both white and yellow gold. Learn more about gemstones and diamonds during a tour through our diamond polishing factory. Are you looking for a more sparkling (August) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of September: the Sapphire
September babies, therefore, have a broad selection of colors they can choose from for their birthstone. However, the blue sapphire is the most popular and best-known one. Sapphire stands for Wisdom Harmony Prosperity Loyal love and friendship Curing of depression Strength Connection to the divine or godly world History The blue sapphire is popular since the Dark Ages. Back then, the clear blue color symbolized the sky and heavens. They thought the stones would attract godly tastes and wisdom. Throughout time, people assigned important attributes to the sapphire. The origin of the sapphire The Greek carried the sapphire with them for guidance when they asked the gods for answers. The blue stone would help them to interpret those answers. To this day, the sapphire is still the national stone of Greece. The name sapphire also probably originates from the Greek word ‘sáppheiros’ or the Latin word ‘sapphirius’ which both mean ‘blue stone’. The godly sapphire Also in other cultures and religions, we see the importance people attribute to the sapphire. Hindus wear the sapphire during their confession of faith and the Buddhists believe to become Enlighted by wearing a sapphire. The early Christians used to cherish the sapphires in church rings. They believed in the protecting characteristics of the blue stone as well. The old Jews believed the ten demands were engraved in sapphire tablets. Therefore, the blue stone was sacred to them. It wasn’t until later they found out that the tablets were probably made from Lapis Lazuli. This is another kind of blue gemstones. Lapus Lazuli and Sapphire get often mixed up, but Lapus Lazuli is older. Characteristics of the sapphire Nowadays, blue gemstones of impeccable quality are one of the rarest ones to find in nature. Although the sapphire that is most often referred to is blue, the gemstone comes in other colors as well. This is because the gemstone is a variety of corundum. All corundum-varieties are sapphires, except for the red ones. These ones are rubies. Traces of different elements such as iron, titanium, chromium and magnesium give the natural colorless corundum a red color. Sapphires that are not blue are called ‘fancies’. Orange-pink sapphires are the rarest variety. These gems are also called ‘Padparadscha’. This is the Sri Lankan word for lotus flower. Padparadschas can be worth even more per carat than the brightest blue sapphires. Sapphires have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. Therefore, they are the second hardest mineral. This blue gemstone thus is not only valuable in jewelry but also often used for industrial purposes. Finding places The classical blue sapphires are originally from Kashmir (Asia) during the 19th and 20th century. In October 2015, a sapphire was auctioned for a record amount of money. The stone went down for $ 242.000 per carat. The blue gem was almost 28 carat! Many famous star sapphires come from the mines in Sri Lanka. For example the Star of Adam (1404.47 carat), the Star of India (563.40 carat) and the Star of Bombay (182 carat). But also Madagascar was a large source of sapphires until 1990. Madagascar is currently one of the most important producers of sapphires. The blue stones are also found in India, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, China, Brazil, Afrika and North-America (especially Montana). The origin of the sapphire influences its worth. The 4 C’s determine the value of sapphires as well. Famous sapphires The 423 carats large Logan Sapphire in the National Museum of Natural History is one of the biggest sapphires of jewelry quality ever cut. The biggest star sapphire is the Star of Adam of 1404,49 carat. In 1981, the sapphire suddenly became the international symbol of love. Prince Charles gave Lady Diana an engagement ring with a big blue sapphire of 12 carats. Prince William gave this heirloom to Kate Middleton as her engagement ring. In our Birthstone Collection, you’ll find some of the most beautiful sapphire rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.
Birthstone of October: the Opal
An opal stands for Visibility Protection against losing your sight Prevention of lightning strikes Relaxing of the nerves: it reduces stress Stimulation of creativity Protection against nightmares Mental strength The health of heart and kidneys Protection against infections History Opals are ancient and were already used by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans. The name stems from the old Indian word Úpala. This means gemstone. The opal is secretive and mysterious. Its colors keep on intriguing. The stone captures all colors of the rainbow. That’s why the Romans called it the King of the Gems. They associated the stone with hope, love, loyalty, and inspiration. The opal is also connected to the zodiac signs libra, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and Sagittarius but is as well associated with the 12th and 14th year wedding anniversary. Characteristics of the opal An interesting fact about opals is that they consist of water for about 6% up to 20%. Unfortunately, this makes the gem very fragile. Moreover, it can lose its color due to heat and it can even dry out. The stone is very vulnerable to soap and perfume. These can even cause the stone to become matte. It’s best to clean an opal with clean water and a minimum amount of soap. Keep it also in a dark place to prevent discoloration. Be aware of scratches because these are easily made in the soft material. Types of opals There are many types of opals. The biggest distinction is made between regular, fire and noble opals. The difference between these is the amount and intensity of color within the opal. The noble opals are more valuable than regular ones. They have brighter colors than normal opals. Think for example about the rare black opal – which is a noble opal. When an opal has a yellow-red color, it is called a fire opal. Finding places The most beautiful (and expensive) opals are from Australia. It may therefore not come as a surprise that the opal is the national stone of Australia. Furthermore, the gems are found in Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and Russia. Opal jewelry Opal is the most beautiful when you wear it directly on your skin. In the early years of the 20th century, opals were often used in Art Deco jewelry pieces. Queen Elizabeth was a big fan of opals and gifted a lot of noble opals to her family and friends. Synthetic opals Besides natural opals, there are also synthetic ones. The difference is mainly visible in the end result. The artificial opal betrays itself because of its regularity. When you look at the synthetic opal through a looking glass, you notice shards of a pattern that looks like the skin of a lizard or nettings. Artificial opals also often have a less beautiful color and are even more porous than natural opals. To learn more about opals, gemstones, and diamonds, book a free guided tour through our diamond polishing factory. Or take a look at the Birthstone Collection for jewelry in the most beautiful colors.
Birthstone of November: the Topaz
Topaz stands for Happiness, love and prosperity Making one feel good Extra strength in the search for love Compassion Strengthening friendships Stimulation of mental and spiritual development Creativity The ability to concentrate Furthermore, the Topaz stimulates the thyroid and therefore the digestion and can help losing weight, but also prevent and cure eating disorders. It has a positive effect on the blood flow, one’s energy and mood. At blurred vision, the Topaz can improve one’s sight. Moreover, Topaz has a calming effect for people who suffer from nervousness. Origin and history Topaz is one of the “Nine Gemstones” from the Thai Order of Gemstones. The name Topaz originates probably from the Ancient Greeks, who named the stone after its finding place. This was the island Topazius or Topazos, currently known as Zebirget, Egypt. The first real use of the word Topaz stems from the Dark Ages. The Egyptians believed that a gold-colored Topaz received its color from the Sun god Ra. The Old Greek thought a Topaz could give one extra strength and the ability to make yourself invisible. Finding places You can find Topazes in the sandy grounds of rivers. Currently, you can find them in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Russia. However, you can find them all over the world Blue Topazes are mainly found in North-Ireland, Scotland and Cornwall. An important finding place of yellow Topazes is the Saxon Ore Mountains. That’s the reason these stones are often called Saxon Diamonds. The colored Topaz A Topaz can come in different colors, but most often it is something between hay-yellow and autumn-yellow color. But also colorless, light pink and light blue Topazes emerge quite often. One of the remarkable things about the Topaz is that its color can change. When you heat the stone, it can turn blue or pink. Topaz in jewelry Both raw and polished Topazes are used in fancy jewelry for centuries. Topaz jewelry is so popular because the stone is see-through, just like a (pure) diamond. When you polish a Topaz, it gains an amazing sparkle. Since blue is such a popular color, Topazes are often heated so they become blue before they are placed into jewelry. Therefore, a Topaz can be blue from nature or thanks to mankind. Do you like jewelry with Topazes and other colored gemstones and diamonds? Contact a diamond consultant for more information about our current stock. Are you looking for a more sparkling (November) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.
Birthstone of December: the Turquoise
The Turquoise stands for: Balance Inner peace Calming body and mind Insight Creativity Empathy Love Expelling depression, mood swings, and panic attacks Protection against negative energy The turquoise provides inner peace. It calms the body and soul during hectic or stressful times. The stone helps to relax and reflect on the beautiful things in life. So those who can use a moment of peace and relaxation can hold the stone for a brief moment. By being in contact with a turquoise, you can relax more easily. This stone helps the stress slide off you. The turquoise and December December is the winter- and Christmas month. It is also "the dark month". The name 'December' comes from the Latin word Decem which means 'ten'. Before the modern-day calendar, a year had only ten months. December, the tenth month, was the last. The sky blue variant of the turquoise fit the month of December best. Later on, two months were added: July and August. These are named after the Roman Emperors Julius Cesar and Augustus. Besides turquoise, the precious gem tanzanite is also December's birthstone. The Turquoise as a gem and in jewelry The turquoise thanks its name to its color. This color is widely used in clothing, houses and fashion items. Some believe the stone has medicinal gifts such as described above. This is one of the reasons turquoise is so popular. According to color experts, the characteristic blue-green color stands for deep sympathy and compassion. But because the stone is a combination of two colors, it also stands for love, peace, authority, truth, future, and adaptability. Get your gift at Royal Coster Diamonds Turquoises are sold in many different ways. You can get them in a bracelet, a necklace or a pendant. However, rough stones are also very popular. This makes a turquoise a suitable gift for someone who has his or her birthday in December. Are you looking for a more sparkling (December) gift? Take a look at our Birthstone Collection to get inspired or come to see all our items in real life.