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What is a Diamond Certificate?


Carat, color, clarity, and cut. These are the so-called 4 C's. You take them into account you're about to make one of the most important purchases of your life. But before you start dreaming about that sparkling beauty, let's talk about another Big C. The Certificate.

Do all diamonds come with a certificate?

No. Only high-quality diamonds come with a certificate. The certificate is basically a report. A report that proves that all of the C's are in place. It is a written document that guarantees the diamond quality. There are quite some evaluating agencies. The certificates vary based on the agency that issued the report.


How does a diamond get certified?

With various high-powered microscopes in special laboratories. Professional gemologists use them to measure and study the diamond's symmetry, color, size and shape. They also pay great attention to certain flaws and the quality of the cut. Once the gemologists determined all the different properties, they attach a report to the diamond. The report holds an accurate description of the examination. Sometimes, the gemologists use high-level heat or lasers to improve certain properties of the diamond. Trustworthy agencies put these enhancements on the report as well to inform the buyer about the “upgrade”.

Which diamond certificates can I trust?

But how do you know which diamond certificate is legit? If you are not familiar with diamond institutes (because: why would you?), you can be fooled with a fake certificate. That's why you need a certificate from a trustworthy organization. Here’s a list of some of the most famous grading agencies across the United States and Europe:

  • International Gemological Institute (IGI)
  • Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
  • American Gemological Society (AGS)
  • European Gemological Laboratory (EGL)
  • Diamond High Council (HRD, which is an abbreviation of the Dutch “Hoge Raad voor Diamant”)
  • International Confederation of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Pearls, and Stones (CIBJO)

If you have a diamond certificate from one of these organizations, you know you did good.


Certificate vs. warranty

Another advice for diamond shoppers is to get a warranty. Besides a written proof of the diamond’s value, a warranty serves as a safety net in case something happens to the piece of jewelry. Diamond is the strongest material known to man, but it is not indestructible. It can crack or get scratched. If this happens, you can use the warranty to salvage the situation. At Royal Coster, all our diamonds come with a lifelong warranty.

It's all about trust

Overall, we highly advise you to take a certificate with your diamond-related purchases. Not only to have a written document that proves the value of your investment, but also for your own conscience. It is surprising how quickly certain ill-intended jewelers choose to take advantage of the situation and lure inexperienced shoppers into buying faux diamonds. Avoid such scenarios, and do adequate research about the seller before buying the diamond. After all, it is a serious investment. So, taking a bit of extra time and effort definitely pays off in the long run.