The garnet, with its deep red hues, is the perfect emblem of the warmth and vitalit needed to combat the cold of January. This gemstone is celebrated for its wide spectrum of colors and types, though the most renowned is the red garnet. The garnet symbolizes friendship, purity, love, protection, and the promise of safe travel and homecoming. It is also associated with medicinal properties, particularly benefiting the heart and circulatory system, and offering protection against poisoning. Notably, the garnet is linked with the two-year wedding anniversary and sometimes even the six-year milestone. It is also connected to the constellations Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as the rat in the Chinese zodiac. The name "garnet" has its roots in the Old English word "gernet," meaning "dark red".
Want to own a birthstone that represents your birth month? Explore our bracelet and necklace options here.
The amethyst, February’s birthstone, is a gem that exudes beauty, purity, and respect. Known for its stunning purple hue, it represents protection against intoxication, addiction, and helps promote skin health. The amethyst is believed to encourage positive thinking, protect from harmful thoughts, and alleviate physical ailments like abdominal pain and headaches. In astrology, it is linked to Aquarius and the dragon in Chinese astrology. The stone's name comes from Greek, meaning "not intoxicated," a nod to ancient practices of using the stone to ward off drunkenness.
Thinking about getting a birthstone for your month? Discover our bracelet and necklace.
March's birthstone, the aquamarine, evokes images of the clear blue sea. This gem is thought to originate from the treasure chests of mermaids, bringing love, happiness, and healing powers. It stands for comfort, clarity, intelligence, creativity, and healing, particularly of throat and autoimmune diseases. The name "aquamarine" comes from Latin and means "water of the sea." Reflecting its oceanic color. Sailors once wore aquamarines to protect against the perils of the sea, believing in its power to bring harmony to relationships and its beneficial effects on health.
Interested in your birth month's birthstone? Have a look at our bracelet and necklace.
April's birthstone, the diamond, is known for its strength, beauty, and love, making it the preferred choice for engagement rings. This gem represents power, magic, prosperity and protection from evil. The ancient Greeks and Romans thought diamonds were either tears of the gods or pieces of falling stars, giving them special qualities. In medieval times, people believed diamonds could make you fall in love and protect you in battles.
At Royal Coster Diamonds we have our own diamond cut the Royal 201. The Royal 201 is a patented briljant. A regular brilliant has already a beautiful sparkle with 57 facets. But the Royal 201 exceeds this on every level.
Want to celebrate your birth month with a birthstone? Check out our bracelet and necklace here.
The green emerald of May symbolizes rebirth and the flourishing of life that spring brings. It is associated with eternal youth, wisdom, love, and a peaceful spirit. The emerald’s vibrant green color is thought to have healing properties for the eyes and to foster love. It is particularly linked to the zodiac signs of Aries, Gemini, and Cancer.
Want to own a birthstone that represents your birth month? Explore our bracelet and necklace options here.
June's birthstone, the pearl, with its soft, luminous beauty, stands for innocence, elegance, and tranquility. Pearls are unique among gemstones as they are created within oysters. They have been associated with numerous myths and legends, often seen as symbols of purity and wisdom.
Looking to get a birthstone representing your month? Discover our bracelet and necklace here.
The ruby, with its fiery red color, is July's birthstone and symbolizes passion, protection, and prosperity. It is believed to bring good fortune to those who wear it on their left hand. The ruby's deep red color represents love and warmth, reflecting the intensity of summer.
Thinking about getting a birthstone for your month? Discover our bracelet and necklace.
August’s birthstone, the peridot, is known for its light green color and is thought to protect against nightmares and bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year. It is also believed to have healing properties and to attract love.
Curious about buying your birth month's birthstone? See our bracelet and necklace here.
The serene blue sapphire of September symbolizes wisdom, honesty, and good fortune. In addition to its heavenly color, sapphires are cherished for their connection to divine favor and protection. Despite being most known for its blue variety, sapphires exist in a rainbow of colors, each with its own unique significance.
Want to celebrate your birth month with a birthstone? Check out our bracelet and necklace here.
The opal, October’s birthstone, is famed for its play of color and mystical properties. It represents faithfulness and confidence. The opal is unique because it embrace the colors of other gems, offering protection and enhancing emotions and passions.
Want to own a birthstone that represents your birth month? Explore our bracelet and necklace options here.
Topaz, the birthstone of November, shines with an array of colors but is most revered in its golden form. It symbolizes love, affection, and the power to heal and protect. Its wearer is said to gain strength and intelligence.
Considering a birthstone for your birth month? View our elegant bracelet and necklace here.
December’s birthstone, the turquoise, is prized for its striking blue hue and its calming influence. It symbolizes good fortune and success. Turquoise is believed to bring peace to the home and good health to the wearer.
Interested in a birthstone that reflects your birth month? Discover our bracelet and necklace here.