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Certificates Explained

Stress, sweating, nervousness… these are all common aspects of future fiancées-to-be when planning to buy the perfect diamond ring. “What if my partner does not like it? What if it is not shiny enough?” These are just some of the doubtful questions that enter the buyer’s mind as they try to pick the perfect gem. They try to remember the 4 Cs and do everything to follow the pre-set rules.

Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat. These are the four Cs to be considered when making what could be the biggest, most important purchase of your life. However, before you decide on the diamond of her dreams, consider another (Big) C—The Certificate.

Even though, the majority of diamonds look the same to the naked eye, only specific and high-quality ones come with a certificate. The certificate is basically a report that proves that all the other Cs are in place. It is a written document that guarantees the quality of the diamond. Because there are numerous evaluating agencies available to the public, the certificates vary based on the agency that issued the report.

Various high-powered microscopes are used in special laboratories, where professional gemologists measure and study the symmetry, color, size and shape of specific diamonds. They also pay great attention to blemishes and polish. Once the professionals have determined all the different properties of a diamond, they can attach a report with an accurate description of the examination.

In some cases, the gemologists use high-level heat or lasers to improve certain properties of the diamond. Subsequently, these enhancements appear on the report to inform the buyer of the “upgrade” that has taken place.

Here’s a list of some of the most famous grading agencies across the United States and Europe:

- International Gemological Institute (IGI)
- Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
- American Gemological Society (AGS)
- European Gemological Laboratory (EGL)
- Diamond High Council (HRD, which is an abbreviation of the Dutch “Hoge Raad voor Diamant”)
- International Confederation of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Pearls, and Stones (CIBJO)

Another advice for diamond shoppers is to buy a warranty. Besides having written proof of the diamond’s value, a warranty serves as a safety net in case something were to happen to the piece of jewelry. Even though the diamond is the most durable material known to man, it is not indestructible. It can crack or get scratched. In case this does happen, one can use the warranty to salvage the situation.

Overall, it is highly advised to have a certificate accompany your diamond-related purchases, not merely to have a written document to prove the value of your investment, but also for the calm of your own conscience. It is surprising how quickly certain ill-intentioned jewelers choose to take advantage of the situation and lure inexperienced shoppers into buying faux diamonds. To avoid such unfortunate scenarios, it is suggested that the shopper does the adequate research before setting out to purchase the diamond. After all, it is a serious investment—an emotional one at best. So, taking the extra time and effort will definitely be worth it in the long run.

Purchasing a warranty is also suggested in order to be able to have the jewel highly maintained, more often than not, completely free of charge. However, purchasing a warranty would mainly serve to avoid paying huge amounts of money in case it gets damaged.